
I always wanted to go to Cuba, i even didn't know why, i just really wanted to. After a year full of doubles every day,i was tired and needed a break of work. I enjoyed Canada a lot and i loved my work, but the work and travel year was over and just in time for a nice holiday. 

I left Canada with my roommate Kayla and we planned a 3 month trip together. First stop Cuba and after that we wanted to find our way to Central America. Well like i mentioned before it happened to me, i finally fall in love in Canada. Its was sad to leave Clint back behind but i was excited to finally start my next adventure. Cuba is the worst place if you are in love. There is still almost no internet:)We had to get used to the heat in Cuba. Canada was still cold and sometimes full of snow, Cuba is hot and high humidity. I do actually really like that climate. But first day, first sunburn=)We had a whole week in Havana. It is like i imagined, a big secret and full of colour. Its has so many special scene where you wouldn't expect them, rooftop restaurant in the oldest buildings, the oldest car you can imagine and cigars and rum on every corner. Of course lot of museums and monuments and just history everywhere. Apparently Cuba is overfilled with people, which want to see Cuba "before it changes'. Well surprise, it did changed already and a lot because of tourist who bring a lot of money in the country. Cuba makes so much money of tourism that sometimes they just only want to make money with us, BUT there are still lots of other locals who are happy to help to make your stay just amazing. You will find both sides in Cuba, Cubans who like to make money with you but appreciate it and Cubans who know how much money they can make with tourists and so they do it and so much that they don't appreciate you any longer. We had both experience and plenty of them. We never stayed in a hotels, we stayed in 'Casas' (what are private houses where you get a room like a bed and breakfast). After the first week in Havana, we travel for three more weeks around the whole island. Bus rides are long, the cities are really different and its worse to take the time to travel around to see more than one or two cities. Stay away from the resort towns, it is really expensive and has nothing to do with Cuba itself. You won't get to know Cuba if you just visit Varadero.


I enjoyed Cuba a lot, but 1 month was enough of sometimes too much of the people who wanted JUST your money. I m sure  Cuba will change more and more. But for tourists it is already expensive to travel around the island on a backpacking tour and i hope the people on Cuba would sometimes appreciate tourists a little bit more even if i understand how hard that can be=)

Anyway thanks for the experience lovely CUBA.